green party
green party: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Jill Stein sides with moneyed interests on immigration (Green Party presidential candidate) - 07/26/12
When it comes to immigration, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein sides with the interests of the rich and stands against the interests of working Americans.
I'll provide two Stein quotes - one fairly shocking - and list some of those who are on the same side as her below.
California Border Patrol rally draws crowd, questionable editing - 10/30/05
Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta held a rally in Sacramento yesterday in support of his proposed ballot measure to create a California Border Patrol.
According to the AP, about 1000 people turned out, 700 on the other side. The protest was "mostly peaceful", and the "underlining issue" was the Minuteman Project.
The same AP report is featured in these articles:
washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/29/AR2005102901498.html Calif. Border Police Plan Draws Throngs
Yes, I know the Watermelon Party and the Big-L Libertarians are odious, but... - 08/02/04
Here's something I support 100% (link):
Here is an idea that can be the activist centerpiece of the 2004 campaign. It can also be used in gubernatorial, senatorial and future campaigns. It will generate more excitement among activists than anything else we've done. It is a venture that will create bigger audiences, publicity and support at a fraction of the cost and effort of previous efforts.