esquire: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Media misleads: Rick Perry's in-state tuition for "children of illegal immigrants" was for illegal aliens *themselves* - 10/02/11
It's an extremely rare occurrence when the mainstream media doesn't mislead about immigration. An example in the news lately is the misleading claim that Rick Perry signed a bill that gives in-state tuition to the "children of illegal immigrants" [1]. In fact, the bill was for those who are themselves illegal aliens, irrespective of their parents' status(es). Parents and children can have different immigration statuses.
Disingenuous Lou Dobbs now wants amnesty, guest workers, chain migration ("comprehensive immigration reform") - 01/08/10
Appearing on last night's Bill OReilly show on Fox News, Lou Dobbs made it clear that he does support amnesty, euphemistically called comprehensive immigration reform. Not only that, but he supports guest workers and chain migration. The only question he has is how many would be legalized and how many family members those legalized would be able to bring to the U.S. Since he referenced legalizing 9 million people (3 times 3 million on the video), he wants to legalize the great majority of illegal aliens in the U.S. On those topics, he's even worse than O'Reilly. Partial transcript below,...
Maybe John Richardson of Esquire should try some real reporting (Ben Smith, HotAir, Orly Taitz) - 08/12/09
The campaign by the Beltway establishment to discredit anyone who dares questions the official story of Barack Obama's past rolls on as John Richardson of Esquire offers "What Really Happens When You Demand the President Produce His Birth Certificate?" [1].