alex pareene
alex pareene: Page 1
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More proof Justin Elliott isn't credible (Sharron Angle, public health concerns over fluoride) - 06/09/10
Sharron Angle [1] won the Republican primary against Harry Reid yesterday, and as could be expected Democratic Party proxies are already beginning their attack. One of those is Justin Elliot of TalkingPointsMemo, who offers "FLASHBACK: GOPer Angle Spoke Out Against Fluoride In Water Supply" [2].
It's a low-grade attempt to provoke a conditioned response that most people have: when someone says something against fluoridation, you're supposed to think that person must be nuts. As it turns out, the science of fluoridation isn't anywhere near as settled as some would have...
Reason #73218 why you can't trust Steve Benen, Alex Pareene, John Aravosis, HuffPost, and GottaLaff (McCain on illegal aliens "intentionally causing accidents") - 04/21/10
Yesterday in an appearance on the Bill O'Reilly show, John McCain said among other, more important things, that he supports Arizona's tough new immigration bill (not yet a law) because "the people whose homes and property are being violated. It's the drive-by that -- the drivers of cars with illegals in it that are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway." You can watch it here:
HuffPost, The Atlantic, LGF, Gawker, Sullivan, C&L, & more spread smear video (Glenn Beck, "burn the books") - 04/12/09
The attached video is a local meetup for Glenn Beck's "912 Project" and features someone who's probably genuine giving an anti-Communism and partly paranoid rant. However, near the five minute mark, a lady's voice is heard shouting out "burn the books". She's then challenged by a male attendee who asks her whether she's serious; she replies that yes she is.
Why Alex Pareene is a tool - 02/22/08
Alex Pareene - formerly with Wonkette and now with Gawker - offers a fifth-graders attempt at North American Union/NAFTA Superhighway debunking here. The only problem is... there's nothing there, just snark and bad attempts at humor.
CNN BlogParty, Blog Party, BlogStock - 11/07/06
The latest example of the mainstream reaching out to bloggers is CNN's "BlogStock", aka a "blog party" (1). They've invited a couple dozen mainstream bloggers to blog live from an internet cafe in Washington DC. Apparently this is supposed to be cutting edge, but most of those involved are partisan hacks. And, some of them qualify more as party operatives, with three of the "bloggers" working for magazines and one of those being the publisher editor-in-chief of the mag.