urban institute
urban institute: Page 1
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Phuong Ly /Washington Post's five screen ad for anti-American DREAM Act - 02/25/09
Freelance writer and former Washington Post staffer Phuong Ly offers "The Outsider" (link), a five screen ad for the anti-American DREAM Act.
National Council of La Raza hides behind children to oppose immigration enforcement (raids, trauma, identity theft) - 11/01/07
The extremist-funding National Council of La Raza ("The Race") has worked with the Urban Institute (info) to release a report entitled "Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America's Children" [1]. Reading it is to be transported into another universe.
Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07
A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens).
As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:
"Mi Casa Es Su Casa? Get Real" - 12/30/04
[...Describes an anti-illegal immigration group in Utah...] GOP activists such as Sears spell trouble for George W. Bush. As the President woos Hispanic voters with Cabinet appointments, political appeals, and immigrant-friendly policies, a rebellion is bubbling up through his party's ranks. The reason: The influx of illegals is hitting such solidly red states as Arizona and Utah particularly hard. "The problem seems to get more attention during times of fiscal distress for the states," says Jeffrey S. Passel, who studies immigration at the Urban Institute in Washington.