tom bevan

tom bevan: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon offer bad policy and bad politics on immigration (RealClearPolitics) - 11/08/12

Over at RealClearPolitics, Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon offer bad advice, bad politics, and bad policy for the GOP. From "21 Reasons for Obama's Victory and Romney's Defeat" ( ):

Michael Rubinkam/AP offers yet more "crops rotting in the fields" propaganda - 03/24/08

Michael Rubinkam of the Associated Press offers yet another in the long line of "crops rotting in the fields" articles, which are propaganda designed to support an immigration amnesty and/or "guest" worker program. In the current case (link), it concerns the Keith Eckel, owner of Fred W. Eckel Sons Farms Inc. who says he's going to switch from tomatoes to mechanically-harvested corn because he can't find workers. For those not in the loop, Eckel is the top dog in the Pennsylvania fresh-to-market tomato industry. Other than a few details, it's the same as the other articles and the replies are...