science: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Gordon Crovitz' fantastical history of the Internet - 07/23/12
Former Wall Street Journal publisher Gordon Crovitz is wrong about many things, and one of those is where the Internet came from (link):
Washington Post admits there's a surplus of scientists (skilled immigration) - 07/09/12
The elites want as much skilled immigration as they can get, yet even the Washington Post admits there aren't enough jobs for all the laboratory scientists who are here now.
PNAE claims immigrants involved in 76% of *some* patents; let's show them wrong (Mike Bloomberg) - 06/26/12
Michael Bloomberg's "Partnership for a New American Economy" is a coalition of billionaires and big city mayors that promotes massive immigration, especially skilled immigration. See those links for the details.
John Hinderaker presents: "David Koch, Friend to Mankind" (formaldehyde, ineffectiveness) - 03/05/11
'Hi! My name is John Hinderaker from Powerline. You might remember me from such filmstrips as "Asbestos: America's Ever-Vigilant Fireman" and "Ladybugs: America's Least-Recognized Pest". Well, today I'm here to present "A Philanthropist Advances the Cause of Science, the New York Times Doesn't" (link) about David Koch of the Koch family. But, first I want to tell you about a wonderful substance called formaldehyde...'
But, seriously:
1. At the link, John Hinderaker says, "David Koch is one of the world's great philanthropists". That's almost as funny as Hinderaker's 2005 Bush quote [1]. While...
More proof Justin Elliott isn't credible (Sharron Angle, public health concerns over fluoride) - 06/09/10
Sharron Angle [1] won the Republican primary against Harry Reid yesterday, and as could be expected Democratic Party proxies are already beginning their attack. One of those is Justin Elliot of TalkingPointsMemo, who offers "FLASHBACK: GOPer Angle Spoke Out Against Fluoride In Water Supply" [2].
It's a low-grade attempt to provoke a conditioned response that most people have: when someone says something against fluoridation, you're supposed to think that person must be nuts. As it turns out, the science of fluoridation isn't anywhere near as settled as some would have...
Donate a penny for RedState! (needs $25,000 to move from Drupal to Django) - 01/07/08
Our friends at RedState have issued an urgent plea [1] for $25,000 so they can upgrade their site from Drupal to Django. In the spirit of helpfulness, I urge everyone reading this to donate a penny if PayPal allows it. But, only if the transactions costs exceed the amount you donate.