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Get the "Where's My Governor?" interactive Web 3.0 widget - 06/24/09

For no particular reason, I'm introducing the new "Where's My Governor?" interactive Web 3.0 widget which you will be able to embed into your webpage at some point in the near future. If you don't know where your governor is at any time, simply reload the page to see their latest status. Here's a preview:

Just how great is our Leader, Obama? He is great enough to write open letter to his daughters! - 01/14/09

Friends! Our Leader, the great exalted One, the Barack Obama, has shown once again the munificence of his leadership of this, the great Nation, with a new Open Letter he has written to his daughters, the shining young exemplars for all American children, Malia and Sasha! The Leader has caused it to be printed in Parade Magazine and has asked the Huffington Post to promulgate his message of cheer to the world (link)! When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me--about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my...

Munificent Obama distributes food to oppressed poor (Sara Kugler) - 11/26/08

Will the wonders of our new leader never cease? Let's hope they don't! In fact, here's an AP report from Sara Kugler about his latest magnificent acts (illustrated right): Barack Obama and his wife say they wanted to show their young daughters the meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday, especially at a time when so many are struggling. They took 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha to a food bank today, where the girls joined their parents in shaking hands and giving holiday wishes to hundreds of people who'd been lined up for hours. The family handed out wrapped chickens to the people...