robert reich
Robert Reich (Berkeley, Labor secretary)
Summary (posts follow):
Robert Reich is the former secretary of the Department of Labor under Bill Clinton and currently the "Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley". On Twitter he's @RBReich.
Reich is also involved with the documentary "Inequality for All", which is ironic since his immigration position will increase inequality in the U.S.
Reich's stance on immigration will enrich the rich while making things worse for less well-off Americans. See the posts below for the complete details.
Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Robert Reich is wrong about Trump Wall - 01/15/17
Former Bill Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich - now a University of California at Berkeley professor - is wrong about lots of things, and the latest thing he's wrong about is Donald Trump's wall on the Mexican border.
More proof Robert Reich isn't credible (MoveOn video) - 12/30/13
Former Clinton administration Labor secretary Robert Reich has released an end-of-the-year video that provides yet more proof that he isn't credible.
On the video (excerpted below and posted to the MoveOn channel), he supports reforming our "obsolete" immigration system and he claims he wants WalMart and fast food outlets to raise wages. Those goals sharply conflict: you can have one but you can't have both.
More reasons Robert Reich isn't credible on immigration (amnesty, legalization, unions) - 04/02/13
Robert Reich has a distinguished title - "Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley". Yet, on immigration, he keeps showing that either he can't figure things out, or he's willing to let political concerns take precedence over figuring things out.
His latest Tumblr is "Why the AFL-CIO Is Embracing Immigration Reform" (robertreich . org/post/46955871646).
Robert Reich misleads about immigration, Arizona, Mitt Romney - 04/28/12
At the Huffington Post, UC Berkeley professor and former Clinton official Robert Reich shows a decided lack of interest in getting his facts right (link).
He writes:
What Robert Reich won't discuss about immigration and entitlements - 04/11/10
Robert Reich - of the "white male construction workers" quote fame - offers "Immigration: Could it solve Social Security, Medicare woes? /To keep Social Security and Medicare from running out of money, the US will have to raise taxes, lower benefits, or cut other spending. Or it could boost immigration" (link). There are at least a couple things he won't discuss and his economic judgment is more than a bit questionable. He says:
Forty years ago there were five workers for every retiree. Now there are three. Within a couple of decades, there will be only two workers per retiree. There’s no way...
Robert Reich: "I have nothing against white male construction workers" - 01/22/09
Showing once again how fine the line is between "progressive" and "outright anti-white racist", former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich said this in his congressional testimony on January 7 (video at the link):