robert erickson
robert erickson: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Get Equal, Rachel Lang unclear on fundamental American concepts (Bachmann, Kochs, glitter, Robert Erickson, Minneapolis) - 06/19/11
The video below shows attorney Rachel Lang of the LGBT group GetEqual dumping glitter on Michelle Bachmann after her speech at the RightOnline conference in Minneapolis. Another video (from Erickson, see #2 below) is at and their press release is at [1].
Some points:
Far-left Robert Erickson dumps glitter on Newt Gingrich; teaparty, ALIPAC partly to blame (Nick Espinosa) - 05/18/11
Yesterday, far-left gay rights activist Robert Erickson [1] dumped glitter confetti on Newt Gingrich as a protest.
Liberals cheer racism, repudiation of U.S. sovereignty at tea party protest by Nick Espinosa (Daniel Tencer) - 11/16/09
Daniel Tencer of RawStory offers "Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US" ( video at Both the underlying story and his treatment of it are explicitly anti-American: