naturalization: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Naturalized American charged in Mumbai terrorist attack ran immigration agency - 12/07/09
Via this comes
New federal charges filed today allege that a Chicago man, who was arrested in October for planning terrorist attacks against a Danish newspaper and two of its employees, also conducted extensive surveillance of targets in Mumbai for more than two years preceding the November 2008 terrorist attack on Indiaโs largest city that killed approximately 170 people, including six Americans, and injured hundreds more.
The defendant, David Coleman Headley, a U.S. citizen, earlier this decade allegedly attended terrorism training camps in...
300,000 new, taxation-friendly citizens in California, thanks to the GOP helping the Dems import new voters - 05/11/09
Teresa Watanabe of the Los Angeles Times offers "Naturalized citizens are poised to reshape California's political landscape" (link):
More than 1 million immigrants became U.S. citizens last year, the largest surge in history, hastening the ethnic transformation of California's political landscape with more Latinos and Asians now eligible to vote... Leading the wave, California's 300,000 new citizens accounted for nearly one-third of the nation's total and represented a near-doubling over 2006... The new citizens are reshaping California's electorate and are likely to reorder the state's...
NY Daily News conducts immigration hotline with NYIC ("Citizenship Now!") (+Gillibrand) - 04/29/09
Spanish-language TV networks have conducted citizenship drives, and the New York Daily News is now trying to get in on the act (link) by conducting a Citizenship Now! drive featuring a hotline staffed by volunteers from the City University of New York as well as two non-profits: the Legal Aid Society and the New York Immigration Coalition. The first hasn't been covered here, but the second has and their advice was probably politicized to say the least; click their link for past coverage.
The NYDN's coverage admits that many who called were illegal aliens and were interested in amnesty.
Rahm Emanuel helped legalize criminal immigrants to get Bill Clinton voters - 12/16/08
From this:
A former INS official who attended meetings with Rahm Emanuel when Emanuel was a White House aide says the hard-charging Democrat relaxed rules to naturalize even criminal immigrants and secure their votes for President Clinton ahead of the 1996 presidential election.
...Emanuel coordinated with Hispanic community organizers in Chicago to rubberstamp immigrants for citizenship, the INS official said in an exclusive interview with WND...
The program in question was Citizenship USA, run out of Al Gore's office and involving former INS Commissioner Doris Meissner. One of the...
Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07
A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens).
As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:
El Paso Times BNHR article - 01/15/07
"D.C. hears El Pasoan's ideas about reforms"
January 15, 2007
by Louie GilotEl Paso Times
Immigration: What's next? - 10/07/06
Kristin Markway/Medill News Service(in the NWITimes)/[[October 1, 2006]]/ link
Immigration experts from across the nation met Wednesday ([[September 27, 2006]]) in Chicago and praised Illinois as one of the "most progressive" states for immigration policies.
However, they said, there are serious problems with other state and national immigration laws.