nancy pelosi
nancy pelosi: Page 3
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Nancy Pelosi's cake - 03/21/03
She wants to have it and eat it too. According to an interview on NBC, she hoped that the war had ended with the target-of-opportunity strike, and she wants it to end as soon as possible to avoid any further loss of life. However, she also admits that those who are being liberated are quite happy for our efforts. Maybe she's having a bit of a reality attack.
"Note to conservatives: Most immigrants aren't terrorists" - 02/19/03
The Reason Magazine article "Guilty by Association: Note to conservatives: Most immigrants aren't terrorists" is at [1]. I posted an excerpt from the article here [2], in the hopes of perhaps a letter or two being sent to Reasononline letting them know where they're wrong.
Limousine Liberal Magazine - 02/08/03
From this site comes this link to Limousine Liberal Magazine: For Those Who Know What's Best - For Everyone. Nancy Pelosi is on this month's cover.
There's also Hollywood Foreign Policy Review and other interesting links from their main page.
Nancy Pelosi, Matricula Consular cards, and the cost of wine - 01/25/03
Here's an interesting/"interesting" article about Nancy Pelosi.
Summary: She owns 32.6 acres of land in the Napa valley, of which a total of 9 acres is wine-producing. For 2001, she declared a total income of between $200,002 and $2 million for those holdings. Are those figures in line for what other growers receive, or are there shenanigans involved?
More immigration joy - 01/10/03
Various groups are going to be "monitoring" the INS registration:
When U.S.
Nancy Pelosi: doable? - 11/17/02
I, and Juan Williams, both say a resounding "AYE!"
Still at NewsMax and by the way, remember Richard Bey? Ever wondered what happened to him? Ever wondered why, just after signing a new contract for big money (which was honored) and having the highest ratings of his career his show suddenly went off the air? Maybe this is why.