muslim american society
muslim american society: Page 1
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Iowa Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Anti-Defamation League try sugercoating illegal activity - 01/02/08
The Iowa Interfaith Immigration Coalition and the Anti Defamation League (more at the link and here) are trying to sugarcoat illegal activity, swing the "debate" about immigration even more in the favor of those who don't support our laws, and accuse some of the presidential candidates of vilifying "immigrants".
First up is the ADL (link):
The Anti-Defamation League asked presidential candidates to refrain from anti-immigration rhetoric... The anti-bias group sent a letter to the major party presidential candidates requesting that they refrain from using language that demonizes and...
March 25 Coalition Statement - 10/30/07
From the March 25 Coalition PDF dated [[April 4, 2006]]
The massive March 25 demonstration in Los Angeles of well over one million undocumented workers, legal residents and their supporters-along with protests and walkouts throughout the United States-is irrefutable evidence that a new Civil Rights and workers' rights movement is on the rise.
March 25 Coalition flyer - 03/18/07
From march25coalition . org/organize
May 1st, 2007 we will be out in the streets, not shopping or selling, if possible not working; but Marching.
On February 3rd & 4th, 2007, a Conference hosted by the March 25th Coalition culminated in a call for a national day of actions for workers and Immigrant's Rights. The day, May 1st, 2007.
Coalition plans May Day actions (2007) - 03/18/07
"Coalition plans May Day actions"/[[February 8, 2007]]/Minnie Bruce Pratt and LeiLani Dowell/Workers World/ link
In an historic development in the U.S. immigrant rights struggle, a coalition of national organizations met in Los Angeles on Feb. 3-4 to plan and coordinate the "Great American Boycott II" for May 1.