mike gravel
mike gravel: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mike Gravel, 44 authors call for world government ("Vote World Government") - 05/15/09
Former Senator and presidential candidate Mike Gravel is just one of 45 authors who've signed on to an attempt to vote on world government (press release here, site at voteworldgovernment.org). This means next to nothing, but if you're familiar with those authors feel free to discuss their involvement and how delusional they are on your site or elsewhere.
Their goals include outlawing war, lowering taxes globally, and:
With a globally enforced peace, we can actually defeat AIDS and poverty, get serious about everyone's human rights, deal with climate change, encourage freedom and democracy...
Tim Russert/MSNBC Democratic "debate" features journalistic incompetence - 09/26/07
The Democrats are offering yet another debate this evening, broadcast on MSNBC and featuring Tim Russert as moderator. He and a "reporter" from a Northeast TV network just asked the candidates whether they supported sanctuary cities. Then, Russert and the "reporter" just listened as the candidates blathered on. All of them supported sanctuary cities, with (of course) Kucinich and Gravel being the most extreme and the latter being the most incoherent.
The only thing Russert did was press them to answer the question; he didn't call them on any of the ensuing misleading statements nor did he...