mccain campaign
mccain campaign: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
McCain campaign - not Palin - came up with "palling around"; Schmidt regrets largely true ad - 07/10/09
Marc Ambinder has an advance copy (link) of a book about the 2008 elections from Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson, and it might contain a good number of behind-the-scenes tidbits.
For instance, one of the mistakes that Sarah Palin made was to claim that Barack Obama was "palling around" with Bill Ayers.
Except, it was Nicolle Wallace of the McCain campaign - and not Palin - that came up with the "palling around" bit.
That allowed the mainstream media to mislead about the relationship between the two, dismissing that relationship by pointing out that they weren't close friends and using that...
Greg Mitchell misleads about MSM smears of Sarah Palin ("Why Obama Won") - 02/15/09
Greg Mitchell - editor of Editor and Publisher and author of the new book "Why Obama Won" - puts on his mainstream media apologist hat to offer the incredibly misleading "Hit or Myth: Did the Media 'Destroy' McCain's Chances By Mocking Sarah Palin?" (link):
In the months after the November election, and then gaining even more attention as Barack Obama became president, are charges that the media helped elect him by attacking, of mocking, Sarah Palin. Numerous pundits and conservative activists have alleged that she had given John McCain a big boost in the polls when first named and that she...
"Latino Voting in the 2008 Election: Part of a Broader Electoral Movement" - 01/28/09
The Center for Immigration Studies has released a new report on the so-called Hispanic vote in the 2008 elections (link). A few key points:
* The drop in support among Latinos for Republicans between 2004 and 2008 was part of a broad-based electoral movement away from the GOP, and was hardly specific to that demographic group. McCain received only 57 percent of the white male vote, compared with 62 percent for Bush in 2004, and McCainβs 55 percent of regular churchgoers was significantly lower than Bush's 61 percent.
* Credible surveys indicate that the major policy concerns of Latinos were...
Juan Hernandez to lobby Obama for immigration amnesty (still with Reform Institute) - 01/25/09
Juan Hernandez - former Mexican cabinet-level official who later worked with the John McCain campaign doing outreach to (U.S.) Hispanics - was interviewed by the Al Dia (owned by the Dallas Morning News) and said he'll be staying in Washington DC to lobby the Barack Obama campaign to pass comprehensive immigration reform, aka an amnesty. Hernandez is still a Senior Fellow of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative" at the McCain-linked Reform Institute (, but it's not clear whether he'll be doing his lobbying through them or another group...
Nicolle Wallace tries rounding up other Republicans for Leader Obama - 01/22/09
Over at the Daily Beast, former senior advisor to the McCain campaign and George W Bush employee Nicolle Wallace offers "Republicans Get on Board/Even some former Bush aides are smitten with the new president. Now, will lefties let the GOP inside the tent?" (link). I am fighting very, very hard to avoid screaming out the first appellation that comes to mind. So, I'll just say that she and her friends are simply political opportunists, and the Republican Party could do much worse than to purge their ranks of those who like her have absolutely no principles.
She also says,"President Obama has...
Mark McKinnon says people like him are the problem with the GOP, and he's right - 12/23/08
Mark McKinnon - former chief advertising strategist for the John McCain campaign who quit in May rather than run against Barack Obama (link) - takes to the Daily Beast to offer "The Problem With the GOP Is... Me" (link).
New smear: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent or the three countries in NAFTA - 11/05/08
An unnamed John McCain aide supposedly told Carl Cameron of Fox News - a tool if there ever was one - that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent instead of a country. The aide also told him that she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA. Needless to say, this comes on the heels of a long line of smears against Palin, and it's almost assuredly a smear as well. She obviously knows about Canada, and she also obviously knows about Mexico. There's the slight possibility that she thought that some of the countries that are in Central America were in North...
Barack Obama lied about ACORN involvement (he was a trainer) - 10/10/08
[UPDATE 2: the BHO campaign changed their website, possibly to admit that he was indeed an ACORN trainer.]
Barack Obama has been caught in yet another of his lies. Here's what his "Fight the Smears" website says about his involvement with ACORN (
Discredited Republican voter-suppression guru Ken Blackwell is attacking Barack Obama with naked lies about his supposed connection to ACORN.
* Fact: Barack was never an ACORN community organizer.
* Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.
* Fact: ACORN...
John McCain ad was right and Barack Obama, MSM misled about BHO's kindergartener sex education bill - 09/16/08
Earlier this month the John McCain campaign released an ad (link, video link) saying in part:
"Obama's one accomplishment?
Legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners.
Learning about sex before learning to read?
Barack Obama.
This has led to a wide variety of BHO supporters - specifically those in the MSM - calling McCain a liar. To a certain extent, they have somewhat of a point: the bill might not be an "accomplishment" for BHO since he was just a supporter and not a co-sponsor and since it never passed. And, the McCain campaign might not have correctly...
Ethnocentric Lionel Sosa working for John McCain (money from Mexican government?) - 07/16/08
Lionel Sosa is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant who worked on George W Bush's presidential campaigns. Last year, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".
Elderly librarian ejected from John McCain event! (Don't worry about the details; ProgressNow) - 07/07/08
Denver, Colorado's ProgressNow - a group linked to both the Democratic Party and multi-millionaire illegal immigration supporter Jared Polis - is pushing the story of a poor, helpless, 61-year-old part time librarian who was arrested before a John McCain event just because she was holding a sign saying "McCain = Bush" (
Except, of course, there's more to it.
The "librarian" (Carol Kreck) works part-time for an "education think tank" (link). I haven't been able to determine which group that is, but it screams "Polis or affiliated" group to me...