margaret stock
margaret stock: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Stephanie Mencimer's flawed reporting on Mia Love and immigration (Mother Jones, Margaret Stock, Stuart Anderson) - 09/28/12
A post at Forbes catches Stephanie Mencimer of Mother Jones in flawed reporting. From [1]:
The controversy over how Utah Republican Congressional candidate Mia Love's family became lawful permanent residents may have another twist - Love may be right about how her family received their green cards, which allowed them to stay in America.
Durbin, Napolitano welcome illegal aliens to U.S. Senate to promote anti-American DREAM Act (Arne Duncan, Clifford Stanley, Leahy, Schumer, Feinstein, Franken, Cornyn, Grassley, Margaret Stock) - 06/30/11
On June 28, Dick Durbin invited a large group of illegal aliens to attend a U.S. Senate hearing about the anti-American DREAM Act and used them in what amounted to the Senate version of a PIIPP. Video below, first person account here, writeups at [1] [2] [3].
Jeb Bush, Mack McLarty, CFR to push immigration "reform" (amnesty) - 07/06/09
According to this, Jeb Bush and Mack McLarty (former chief of staff of Bill Clinton) will this week be presenting a report in support of
Illegal aliens joining the U.S. military - 01/08/07
Esther J. Cepeda of the Sun-Times offers "Illegal to serve?"
...recruiters in Chicago and other cities across the United States are turning away potential applicants who are illegal immigrants -- despite a special wartime provision President Bush signed into law after Sept.
Gen. Peter Pace cries for illegal aliens - 07/11/06
Alfonso Chardy of Knight Ridder offers the disgusting story "Senate hearing in Miami touts immigrants' contributions":
"My dad came here, sometimes worked three jobs, but the jobs were there for him and the opportunities were there for him," Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said as he choked back tears during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing at Miami Dade College.
What the NYT isn't telling you (Part 1 of an infinite series) - 01/17/05
You have to start somewhere, so, let's start with August 19, 2004's "Immigrants Face Loss of Licenses in ID Crackdown" (link) by Nina Bernstein. Please read the following description of one Margaret Stock:
"Immigrants Face Loss of Licenses in ID Crackdown" - 08/18/04
Oh no. Immigrants are being subjected to some form of crackdown? Let's read this NYT article:
Legislatures across the country have been wrestling publicly with a hot-button issue: whether to make it harder or easier for illegal immigrants to be licensed as drivers.