mandy nagy
mandy nagy: Page 1
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Why should I help them with anything? - 05/25/12
Patterico is a major blogger and Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who's being harassed by unknown parties, and the harassment is probably more for his political activities than his DA work (link). It's a horrible situation; I hope no harm comes to him or his family and I hope they catch and severely punish those responsible.
But, other than that, I'm not going to do anything about this.
Two tales of Teaparty torpidity (if you oppose illegal immigration teapartiers are in your way) (Mandy Nagy, Liberty_Chick) - 08/02/10
The attached graphics contain two conversations I recently had on Twitter with supporters of the Tea Parties, and both conversations - as with every other single interaction I've ever had with teapartiers - drives home every negative thing I say about them at the link. If you oppose illegal immigration, the teapartiers are just standing in your way.