los angeles times

Los Angeles Times: Page 6

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Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Jackie Goldberg's "socialist" leanings - 05/14/05

On either March 8 or 9 of 2004 the Los Angeles Times printed a story about California Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg (Democrat-Los Angeles) getting married to her long-time lesbian partner Sharon Stricker up in San Francisco (during Gavin Newsom's big moment). The L.A.

A secret message from Patt Morrison? - 05/04/05

Patt Morrison - the variously behatted L.A. Times lifestyle columnist - offers a column about the anti-American KRCA billboard entitled "A Sign of Controversy Over Immigration" (link).

The L.A. Times got something wrong? - 03/30/05

"L.A. Times story shocks CSUC officials": A Tuesday L.A.

Endorsement: Jim Hahn for Mayor of Los Angeles - 03/09/05

Barring a challenge by Bob Hertzberg, it looks like May's run-off election will be a repeat of that from four years ago, with Antonio Villaraigosa vs. the incumbent Jim Hahn. I strongly endorse Jim Hahn and I urge you to support him.

I'm embarrased for both UPI and the Middle East North Africa Financial Network - 02/20/05

Date: Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:21:44 PM EST LOS ANGELES, Feb.

If they went to Utah their heads would explode... - 12/24/04

It's only 80 miles from the headquarters of the L.A. Times to Murrieta deep in "red California." But, to the L.A. Times, it's like going to Mars: "In GOP They Trust": ...This devout Mormon couple, whose Boy Scout son Christopher marched on Veterans Day with his uniformed pals from Troop 524, will not see a movie that is rated R. They lump Whoopi Goldberg in with Dan Rather, the Dixie Chicks with CNN.

"Safety's Not No. 1" - 12/15/04

Heather MacDonald: Now that the Bernard Kerik nomination has crashed and burned, President Bush should ask the next candidate for Department of Homeland Security chief the most important question for the job: Will you enforce the law against border trespassers? ...Yet fear of offending the race and rights lobbies has trumped national security at DHS.

It's Conspiracy Theory Sunday - 12/12/04

From August 25, 1998's "Total Coverage: The CIA, Contras, and Drugs": ...top officials at the CIA knew the agency was working with Contra drug traffickers and didn't do anything about it. But the story, even with that shocking headline, quickly disappeared. None of the other major papers, news magazines, or TV networks reported the NEW YORK TIMES' findings. How did it come to this?

"An Education in Expansion" - 11/23/04

The LAT has a 1726 word article about Los Angeles' answer to the Big Dig. From "An Education in Expansion" (link): Using a combination of aggressive real estate negotiations, political gamesmanship and eminent domain, the Los Angeles Unified School District is scooping up hundreds of acres of land in a $14-billion campus building program that will result in enough new classroom seats to fill Dodger Stadium three times over.

"Rights Groups Take On Deportation Program" - 08/30/04

A new joint program from the U.S. and Mexico flies some deported illegal aliens back into central Mexico, rather than dropping them off at a border city. The L.A. Times reports that so-called "rights groups" are up in arms about this new program. To get the plane ride, the alien has to waive his rights to a hearing. And, no coincidence at all, no hearing means no immigration lawyer to pay. As previously discussed this is basically subsidized vacation pay for their employers, as many of those deported say they'll just try again. Note that the LAT itself reported that many of those on the...

Handouts? Go Beyond the Usual [Canards and Suspects] - 08/27/04

In one or two columns, Steve Lopez of the L.A. Times was starting to make some sense. See April's "Way Too Many People in Paradise". However, with his latest discussion of illegal immigration he's reverted to the usual LAT set of canards and "experts". From "Handouts? Go Beyond the Usual Scapegoats" (link):

"Calif. Dems Block July 4th Tribute to Vietnam Hero" - 07/03/04

NewsMax has picked up the story covered in yesterday's post: "Calif. Dems Block July 4th Tribute to Vietnam Hero". It's based on John Campbell's report, with no new information. But, to recap: Democrats usually turn livid over the slightest hint that their patriotism is being challenged.

The other lame 'Times' - 05/19/04

Ann Coulter discussing L.A. Times editor John Carroll's big speech: The editor of the Los Angeles Times telling reporters how to behave ethically is a complete contradiction, like ... oh, I don't know ... giving Yasser Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize or something. You know, just patently silly. This is the same L.A.

Michael Kinsley now working for the L.A. DogTrainer-Enquirer-Times - 04/28/04

Captain Kevin alerts us (washingtonmonthly. com/archives/individual/2004_04/003800.php) to Michael Kinsley having been named editorial and opinion editor of the Los Angeles Times. Some of the Captain's commentators aren't happy with it. You see, Kinsley is a mite too conservative for some. Geez, imagine what would happen if they'd named a real conservative. Oh, wait, that would never happen.

What part of "illegal alien" doesn't the L.A. Times understand? - 08/03/03

The Sunday L.A. Times has an editorial ("Maywood's Mean Money Machine" link) which purports to be about the attempts of a small L.A. suburb to increase revenues by impounding cars at a traffic checkpoint. However, it soon turns into a pro-illegal-immigration essay. The editorial's author, Frank del Olmo, promises Part Two of the editorial on Monday.

L.A. River renovation presentation 6/17 and 6/18 - 06/16/03

Via email, there will be a presentation concerning L.A. River renovation Tuesday and Wednesday: The Harvard University Graduate School of Design Los Angeles River Studio presentation schedule is as follows: Tuesday, June 17th 6:30-reception-7pm 9pm-presentations, Los Angeles River Center and Gardens, 570 West Avenue 26 Wednesday, June 18th-10am-11:30am Los Angeles River Center and Gardens, 570 West Avenue 26 Wednesday, June 18th, 12:30-2pm-Los Angeles County Department of Public Works building, conference room A, 900 S.

Robert Scheer: Both dumb and numb - 04/29/03

According to Scheer's latest "Are We Dumb or Just Numb?" (alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15773): The embarrassingly secular nature of the government was summarized in another Los Angeles Times story on the status of women: "For decades, Iraqi women dz

Glenn Spencer, taking the high ground? - 04/06/03

According to this: Chris Simcox, founder of the Tombstone-based Civil Homeland Defense group, and Glenn Spencer, who leads the Sierra Vista-based American Border Patrol, have long disagreed over style and approach to deterring illegal entrants. Spencer said his group aims to document and report illegal immigrants by using video cameras and other surveillance. In contrast, Simcox describes his group as a "militia," and he leads armed volunteers on patrols near the border. A recent statement by Simcox has served to incite bickering between the two men. Simcox issued this warning as part of a "...
