long island

long island: Page 1

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Justice Department investigating Suffolk County (NY) Police (treatment of Latinos; follows SPLC report) - 10/08/09

Just over a month ago, the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report alleging anti-Latino policing in Suffolk County (Long Island, New York). Now the Department of Justice has launched an investigation (link): Justice Department investigators โ€œwill seek to determine whether there are systemic violations of the Constitution or federal lawโ€ by the police, said Alejandro Miyar, a spokesman for the department. The agency notified Suffolk police authorities of the investigation on Sept. 30. The police commissioner, Richard Dormer, said in a telephone interview that he welcomed the federal...

SPLC smears Steve Levy in quest to support illegal activity (Suffolk County, Long Island; CAP) - 09/02/09

The Southern Poverty Law Center has a new report entitled "Climate of Fear/Latino Immigrants in Suffolk County, N.Y." about that county on Long Island, New York (splcenter.org/news/item.jsp?aid=395). County executive Steve Levy has attempted to reduce illegal immigration in his county, such as by taking actions against residences where dozens of illegal aliens live; see this from 2005 and also this (involving then-Mexican consul Arturo Sarukhan) and this. In the current case, the SPLC is trying to conflate Levy's efforts with violent attacks in that county, both reported and simply alleged....

NYT: subsidize unemployed illegal alien day laborers to keep them in U.S. until economy improves - 12/30/08

The New York Times offers the editorial "Immigration Riddle" (link), a plea to keep illegal alien day laborers in a Long Island community during the economic downturn rather than taking actions to cause them to return to their home countries. The town of Huntington Station (together with Hagedorn Foundation and the Long Island Community Foundation), has been paying for a day laborer center operated by the Family Service League since around 2001. See " Tempers Rise Over Immigrants" by Elissa Gootman from that year, where they admit that "most are also illegal aliens" (link). Now, per the NYT,...