katrina vanden heuvel

katrina vanden heuvel: Page 1

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Occupy Wall Street or Teaparty: which is more fake? - 10/06/11

Occupy Wall Street ("OWS") as a movement appears to be about as fake as the Tea Parties as a movement. Some or many OWS members seem to support a policy that harms the lower and middle classes while it further enriches the rich. That policy lowers wages and increases costs on the lower and middle classes while enriching bankers and corrupt businesses and giving more power to corrupt politicians.

Delusional John Hinderaker thinks only left engages in "personal intimidation" - 05/12/11

John Hinderaker of Powerline offers "The Politics of Personal Intimidation" [1] in which he's yet again delusional: A disturbing new element has crept into our political life: organized efforts to intimidate private citizens who choose to support certain political causes or otherwise participate in civic affairs... [examples of leftists swarming houses of their opponents and much more deleted] ...Conservatives are decent people and don't engage in such repugnant tactics. The last sentence of the excerpt [2] would only make sense if Hinderaker had never heard of the tea parties. Since he's...

Immigration and the Council on Foreign Relations - 10/12/10

There's a list of supposed members of the Council on Foreign Relations here, including both famous and non-famous names. Can anyone find any public figures on that list who oppose illegal immigration (for real) or who even support reducing legal immigration? If so, please leave a comment. In the meantime, here are some of their members who are on the wrong side; this list will be updated with new names occasionally:

"Demand Question Time": another bipartisan sham (petition, demandquestiontime.com) - 02/03/10

A series of Beltway insiders, bloggers, and journalists have launched an online petition at demandquestiontime.com calling for repeats of the recent question and answer session Barack Obama held with House GOP leaders. In and of itself this isn't such a bad idea, at least from the entertainment standpoint. However, it's a very bad idea to the extent that it will be falsely presented as a real dialogue about vital issues. It's yet another sham, a slightly elevated version of debates held on the Hannity show. As can be seen by the questions asked at the first event, the GOP isn't about to ask...

Hillman Foundation awards: illegal immigration-supporting film, Nina Bernstein, questionable Marcy Wheeler/FDL report - 05/13/09

The Hillman Foundation has announced the winners of their 2009 awards (hillmanfoundation.org/pages/honorees/2009.html) and the honorees give us a special peek into a special world, including among them:

NAU apologists - 11/24/06

[List below updated 12/11/07] Recently, Rep. Tom Tancredo was quoted as saying this: "People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist... He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that โ€“ it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going... I know this is dramatic โ€“ or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic โ€“ but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not...

"Immigrant Voters Could Change Election Landscapes" - 05/17/04

From FOX: A scattered movement growing across the country would buck decades of conventional wisdom and allow non-citizens the right to vote in local elections, a move that proponents say would give immigrants the ability to directly impact government in their communities. "We're a stronger society as a whole if we have a good quality of life and everyone participates," said Ron Hayduk, political science professor at the City College of New York and a supporter of the movement. "There is a greater likelihood that our representatives will be responsible to everybody," Hayduk told Foxnews.com...