kansas city star
kansas city star: Page 1
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Rick Montgomery/ Kansas City Star lies about Obama birth certificate - 12/04/08
Rick Montgomery of the Kansas City Star offers the same old article as others dealing with the issue of obama citizenship in "Anti-Obama bloggers challenge birthplace", link [1]. The sentence below contains one lie and two misleading statements:
The argument is over his place of birth - Hawaii, if you accept statements by Hawaiian officials, his 1961 birth notice in a Honolulu newspaper and a certified document his campaign obtained 18 months ago.
As detailed at the penultimate link, officials have never stated that his birthplace was Hawaii, only that his certificate is on file. And, the...
Janet Murguia/NCLR misleads to support illegal immigration (Kansas City, Minuteman issue) - 11/04/07
The National Council of La Raza ("The Race") is an extremist-funding group that in turn is funded by large corporations [1] that profit from illegal activity. Senator Chris Dodd even wants to give them millions of dollars.
They recently pulled their 2009 convention out of Kansas City, MO because a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps was appointed to that city's Parks Board. Local Hispanic leaders even went as far as trying to deliver a letter to that board member's house in what appears to be an attempt to intimidate her.
Now, their president, Janet Murguia, offers "La Raza left...
Kansas City Star: Let U.S. citizens eat cake - 07/21/04
The Kansas City Star has an editorial (kansascity.com/mld/kansascitystar/news/opinion/9200559.htm) about FAIR's suit to prevent Kansas from making U.S. citizens pay greater college tuition than illegal aliens: