jimmy carter

jimmy carter: Page 1

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"Tour of the Faithful": Catholic Church, others try to change immigration laws (America's Voice) - 09/13/08

In September and October, the Catholic Church and others will be holding interfaith events [1] across the U.S. designed to support "comprehensive immigration reform", aka amnesty. This "Tour of the Faithful" (catholicsinalliance.org/node/20123) was apparently organized with the help of Frank Sharry's America's Voice [2] and includes an appearance by former president Jimmy Carter and many others [3]. On October 13 they'll be holding a forum featuring unnamed Illinois politicians; one of those will probably be Luis Gutierrez. If you want to do something about this, go to one of their events and...

Intellectually dishonest James Kirchick - 01/08/08

James Kirchick of the New Republic - home of the odious Jason Zengerle - offers "Angry White Man/The bigoted past of Ron Paul", an attempt by the Beltway establishment to sink his candidacy by revealing excerpts from his old newsletters. Apparently much or all of it was ghostwritten, and the campaign tries to portray him as a (per Kirchick) "naive, absentee overseer, with minimal knowledge of what his underlings were doing on his behalf". To a good extent that doesn't wash, and many of the quotes provided are indeed very questionable in and of themselves. (The Ron Paul campaign responds to...