james hahn
james hahn: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Half of you won't understand what these squiggles mean - 09/08/04
Hi. I'd like to speak to the approximately 50% of Los Angeles County residents who can read this. Did you guys (and gals) know that the other half of Los Angeles County's 16-years-and-older population might be unable to read these here squiggles?
For those of you who can read English, read this (montereyherald . com/mld/montereyherald/news/9612560.htm):
L.A.: Biggest laughingstock in the U.S. - 02/21/03
According to this:
Elected leaders of the nation's second-largest city on Friday approved a resolution opposing a unilateral war against Iraq and urging the Bush administration to exhaust all diplomatic options before committing military forces...
"I hope people understand we're not a bunch of crazy politicians trying to dictate federal policy," said Councilman Ed Reyes, who voted for the resolution. "We are echoing the sentiments of people who are hurting. Where do we begin to matter in the priority of our federal dollars?..."
It also said the billions of dollars that would be spent on war...