jacob vigdor
jacob vigdor: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Julia Preston promotes Dayton looking the other way on illegal immigration (Ohio, headscarves) - 10/07/13
In the New York Times, immigration reporter Julia Preston offers a cookie-cutter article that follows the Crooked Town Story model. In those types of stories, a town that's supposedly in bad shape decides to look the other way on our immigration laws and - presto chango! - the town becomes a bustling hub of commerce.
Solange Uwimana of MMFA hypes Bloomberg / Rockefeller study designed to lower wages (immigration reform) - 09/17/13
Solange Uwimana - immigration point person for Media Matters for America - offers "New Study Shatters Conservative Media Claims About Immigration" ( peekURL.com/zkRAeZM ). A brief discussion of her post follows after the excerpt: