iraq war
iraq war: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Student rants at Jeb Bush over Iraq, solves little or nothing (Ivy Ziedrich) - 05/14/15
The video below shows University of Nevada at Reno student Ivy Ziedrich ranting at Jeb Bush over the Iraq war. The confrontation has received notice from the New York Times (nytimes . com/politics/first-draft/2015/05/13/college-student-to-jeb-bush-your-brother-created-isis/), CNN, and others despite (or perhaps because of) it solving little or nothing.
George Bush intentionally misleads about John Kerry Iraq comment - 10/31/06
Speaking in Georgia about an hour ago, president Bush intentionally distorted John Kerry's earlier comments about Iraq. Yesterday, speaking at Pasadena City College, Kerry said this:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Hundreds rally for immigration rights - 10/07/06
Bill Stewart/The Oregonian newsroom
...Portland's rally, which also drew 'critics of the Iraq war and President Bush, appeared to attract about 500 participants...
Welcome to the Lonewacko movement - 05/19/03
A while back, I sent an email to an OB (see the previous entry) in which I listed a few of the things I found wrong with our Iraq efforts. He hasn't written much about similar topics - too busy with the Blair scandal and welfare reform I guess - but it's good to see that a few other non-lefties are finally starting to pay attention to our problems. HereticalIdeas has a post here, and Hit & Run has one here (reason . com/hitandrun/001569.shtml).
I will accept her apology on Bush's behalf - 04/09/03
From this (,2933,83365,00.html):
O'REILLY: If you are wrong... and if the United States - and they will, this is going to happen - goes in, liberates Iraq [with] people in the street, American flags, hugging our soldiers... you gonna apologize to George W. Bush?
"Hundreds of thousands of protestors burn effigies of Bush, Blair in Meerut" - 03/25/03
New Delhi, March 26, IRNA -- Hundreds of thousands of protestors in a demonstration against the US war on Iraq in Meerut on Tuesday declared that they would boycott products made by American or British companies and burned effigies of the American president and British prime minister in protest.
L.A.: Biggest laughingstock in the U.S. - 02/21/03
According to this:
Elected leaders of the nation's second-largest city on Friday approved a resolution opposing a unilateral war against Iraq and urging the Bush administration to exhaust all diplomatic options before committing military forces...
"I hope people understand we're not a bunch of crazy politicians trying to dictate federal policy," said Councilman Ed Reyes, who voted for the resolution. "We are echoing the sentiments of people who are hurting. Where do we begin to matter in the priority of our federal dollars?..."
It also said the billions of dollars that would be spent on war...
"Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons" - 02/06/03
This was in Bush's speech, and it's the lead story on Drudge. However, it was also in Powell's speech yesterday.