immigration election
immigration election: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Did Obama encourage illegal aliens to vote? Yes and no. - 11/07/16
In a November 3 interview with the actress Gina Rodriguez on the MiTu network, Barack Obama discussed voting as it relates to Hispanics. Full video of the interview below.
"Open-Borders Advocates Distort Election Results" - 11/20/06
As previously discussed, massive immigration supporting hacks like Fred Barnes, Linda Chavez, Tamar Jacoby, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Arlen Specter, and Michael Barone among others have tried to claim that some GOP losses were due to opposition to an illegal alien amnesty. How this is wrong was discussed in NRO on Graf/Hayworth election results myth among other entries.
And, Mark Krikorian of CIS offers this:
...The open-borders crowd scavenged for results they hoped would confirm their pre-packaged conclusions. A favorite was the defeat of two Republican immigration hawks...
NRO on Graf/Hayworth election results myth - 11/17/06
National Review offers "The Legend of Arizona", a response to the mythmakers who've tried to claim that the recent losses of Randy Graf, J.D. Hayworth, and others were because of their pro-enforcement positions. They list our favorites such as: Fred Barnes, Linda Chavez (first link), Tamar Jacoby, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Plus, they inform us that the myth has also been spread by Arlen Specter (link) and Michael Barone (link). Then:
...Time for a reality check. This year’s anti-Republican wave was indiscriminate, washing away such immigration hawks as John Hostettler and...