immigrant legal resource center
immigrant legal resource center: Page 1
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Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 (Barack Obama) - 03/09/07
On Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama introduced the "Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007". This important story was overshadowed by the most likely unimportant story about his stock holdings [1]. The CPA could be described as a "New Democrats Initiative/Funding Source for Possibly Foreign-Linked Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups" bill, and perhaps some reporters should have asked Obama and his co-horts about that.
America's immigration system is broken, and needs to be fixed - 06/05/05
America is a land of immigrants. Today, immigrants come to do the jobs that Americans won't do. Today's wave of immigration is just like past waves. Everyone agrees that our immigration system is broken and needs fixing.
Oh, sorry. I was just reading this card I found on the ground... let's see, what's on the other side... Party Line Printers, Berkeley CA???
Oh my.