hope yen
hope yen: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
NAS-revised Census Bureau stats: almost 1 in 6 U.S. residents in poverty (+Hope Yen lies) - 10/20/09
The Census Bureau has released new poverty statistics that may show even more U.S. residents are below the poverty line than previously thought. The new statistics - which are more "experimental" figures and not the official figures - show that almost 1 in 6 U.S. residents are below the poverty line.
Census worker found hanged in Kentucky; see who's politicizing it - 09/24/09
[UPDATE: Police say it was a suicide]
College Board comes out for anti-American DREAM Act, depriving U.S. citizens of college educations (Gaston Caperton, Thomas Rudin, Roberto Gonzales) - 04/21/09
The College Board - the group of over 5600 educational institutions that administers the SAT - has released a report advocating for the anti-American DREAM Act; that would let the illegal aliens covered under the bill take college educations away from U.S. citizens. See that link for the details and a question you're urged to ask those politicians who support the bill in order to discredit them. No matter how they want to evade the truth, the bottom line is that what the College Board supports would cause some U.S. citizens to not be able to go to college.
The report was authored by Roberto...
Rep. William Lacy Clay: no immigration raids during Census (+Gary Locke) - 03/30/09
Hope Yen of the Associated Press says:
(Rep. William Lacy Clay, Democrat of Missouri) said he planned to push the Obama administration to halt raids next year, noting that immigration officials did so during the 2000 census... "It think it should be repeated to tamp down on any fears the immigrant population might have on certain raids, whether they are here legally or not," said Clay, who chairs the House subcommittee overseeing the census.
Speaking at a Census Bureau training conference, (Department of Commerce secretary Gary Locke and Clay) tried to allay fears in Hispanic and...
Lubchenco, Lysenko: Hope Yen/AP on Obama's science picks and politicization - 12/20/08
The aptly-named Hope Yen of the Associated Press offers an article about recent science-related Barack Obama appointments. She shows us what she at least really thinks about the politicization of science: she supports it, just as long as the politics are the right kind. In fact, either she or an AP editor re-wrote a later version of the article to delete a questionable phrase; see the two editions compared side-by-side in the extended entry.
The first version, from today at around 8AM, says this:
President-elect Barack Obama on Saturday named Harvard physicist John Holdren and marine...