eric odom
eric odom: Page 1
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Two examples of how tea partiers aren't effective (big AP report, whoo) - 06/20/10
All week, the tea parties line has been abuzz about the release of a new Associated Press article that was supposed to be a fair look at their movement. And, it's here.
The stupidity of the tea parties rolls on, at much reduced rate - 03/30/09
1. Over the weekend, there were apparently just three "parties": Buffalo; Stamford, Connecticut; and Essex County, Massachusetts.
2. The aftermath of the one in Essex County is promoted by Glenn Reynolds at and About a hundred people showed up. The Congressman for that area appears to be John Tierney, a Democrat. In 2004, he got 213,000 votes and his GOP opponent got 91,000. That means that the 100 people represent 0.05% of the votes he got, and 0.1% of the votes his opponent got. I'm sure he's scared out of his wits.
"Tea Parties": an astroturfed Koch family movement (FreedomWorks, Instapundit, Rick Santelli) - 02/28/09
Now I know why Rick Santelli disgusts me: the "Tea Party" stimulus protests may be an astroturfed project of the wealthy Koch Family (called "the Kochtopus", see this).