cynthia mckinney
cynthia mckinney: Page 1
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OMG: Van Jones is a Truther! (oops: so is an Insight Magazine writer) - 09/03/09
Amanda Carpenter of the Washington Times informs us that "Green jobs 'czar' signed 'truther' statement in 2004" [1], referring to Van Jones signing the statement here.
There are a couple problems detracting from the WashTimes' scoop:
FBI "agent provocateur" suggested that Cynthia McKinney be "lynched" (Hal Turner in 2006) - 08/27/09
White supremacist blogger/radio host Hal Turner - who is currently charged with making threats against public officials in two states - was an FBI-trained "agent provocateur" from 2002 to 2007. See this for the details and other things he was involved in.
And, per this, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sent an email to supporters on Sunday in which she pointed out that in 2006, Turner suggested that she should be lynched. According to one of her former workers, Turner published her address and:
"asked how she would look swinging at the end of a rope and what message it would send to...
March 25 Coalition flyer - 03/18/07
From march25coalition . org/organize
May 1st, 2007 we will be out in the streets, not shopping or selling, if possible not working; but Marching.
On February 3rd & 4th, 2007, a Conference hosted by the March 25th Coalition culminated in a call for a national day of actions for workers and Immigrant's Rights. The day, May 1st, 2007.