anderson cooper
anderson cooper: Page 1
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CNN Republican Presidential Debate October 18, 2011 (Las Vegas, GOP, Romney, Cain, Perry, Ron Paul, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum) - 10/18/11
Tonight CNN will be conducting yet another of their worthless debates, this time a GOP debate in Las Vegas in conjunction with the Western Republican Leadership Conference (WRLC). Show time is at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific. Feel free to leave comments below before, during or after the debate. This post will be updated after a transcript becomes available.
Anderson Cooper lies about Obama's "certificate" (Montana, Bob Wagner, "Birther") - 02/16/11
Yesterday, Anderson Cooper of CNN interviewed Montana state representative Bob Wagner about the Obama citizenship issue and - no big surprise - Anderson Cooper lied about the basic, indisputable facts of this matter. Obviously, Obama fans like Cooper don't care about getting the facts right, but if you do and you want to find out how Cooper tries to mislead you, keep reading.
Video of the appearance is attached [1] First, here's what Cooper said, followed by why he's lying to you:
Here's the president's official certificate of live birth from the state of Hawaii [on screen: what appears to be...
Jeffrey Toobin of CNN forced to correct smears of "Birther" - 08/19/10
The video at shows CNN contributor Jeffrey Toobin apologizing for smearing a "Birther" who Toobin had - perhaps unwittingly - accused of being among other things a racist. It's great to see Toobin forced to give a correction, but if others who discuss the Obama citizenship issue were smarter and competent and understood why this issue is important we could get much more meaningful corrections from more powerful people.
The backstory: a few weeks ago, CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewed Army Doctor LTC Terry Lakin about his court martial over this issue, which was followed by...
Anderson Cooper lies about Obama certificate issue - 05/08/10
Questioning the official story of Obama's birthplace is the establishment's version of heresy, and Anderson Cooper - in the role of an Inquisition interrogator - yesterday interviewed Lt. Col. Terry Lakin about a lawsuit he's bringing over this issue (video: ). In the segment, Cooper lies and misleads about various aspects of this issue:
Anderson Cooper, Thelma Gutierrez of CNN promote anti-American DREAM Act - 06/14/09
Finally: PIIPPs are now available in video form as Anderson Cooper of CNN presents a "news" report from Thelma Gutierrez which isn't more than an ad for the anti-American DREAM Act, a federal bill t
John McCain ad was right and Barack Obama, MSM misled about BHO's kindergartener sex education bill - 09/16/08
Earlier this month the John McCain campaign released an ad (link, video link) saying in part:
"Obama's one accomplishment?
Legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners.
Learning about sex before learning to read?
Barack Obama.
This has led to a wide variety of BHO supporters - specifically those in the MSM - calling McCain a liar. To a certain extent, they have somewhat of a point: the bill might not be an "accomplishment" for BHO since he was just a supporter and not a co-sponsor and since it never passed. And, the McCain campaign might not have correctly...
Enter the CNN/Youtube "Debate" Contest Meta-Contest! - 07/22/07
As we all know by now, on Monday CNN and Youtube will be holding a debate which will most likely be a "debate". The moderator is none other than Super Puffball Anderson Cooper, former anchor for a news program for kids (Channel 1). Some of the questions will be provided by users of that service, and in fact there have been over 2000 entries so far.