alessandra soler meetze
alessandra soler meetze: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
U.S. bows to United Nations Human Rights Council, ACLU helps (Arizona, SB1070) - 11/05/10
In Geneva today the United Nations Human Rights Council met to assess the U.S.'s record on human rights, or at least human rights as they see them. And, as previously discussed, the report from the U.S. government mentions Arizona's recent SB1070 immigration law. While I downplayed the significance of this in the earlier post, perhaps I should raise the alert level given that one of the groups involved in complaining to the U.N. about the U.S. is the American Civil Liberties Union; more on them below.
From this:
The United States is submitting its human rights record to the scrutiny of other...
Alessandra Soler Meetze lies about Arizona immigration law (ACLU of Arizona, +Dolores Huerta) - 04/29/10
Earlier today, the American Civil Liberties Union (national and Arizona branch), MALDEF, the National Immigration Law Center, Dolores Huerta, Richard Chavez (brother of Cesar Chavez), and Linda Ronstadt (?) held a news conference in Phoenix to protest the new Arizona immigration law and to announce that they'll be mounting a legal challenge (full press release here).
At the event, Alessandra Soler Meetze, Executive Director of the ACLU of Arizona lied about the law:
"This law will only make the rampant racial profiling of Latinos that is already going on in Arizona much worse... If this law...
Arpaio deputies to get private training in enforcing immigration law; ACLU outraged (Kobach) - 02/10/10
According to this, all Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies will receive private training "on the authority of local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law". Previously, just 100 of their deputies had received training from the Department of Homeland Security, but the DHS dropped that last year. Law professor and candidate for Attorney General of Kansas Kris Kobach will be providing the training (with his costs self-funded or paid by an unknown group), causing a meltdown among the supporters of illegal activity:
Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the American Civil...