AgJOBS amnesty/indentured servitude bill (Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits and Security Act): Page 2
Summary (posts follow):
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Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
HR 2092: Sheila Jackson Lee's Open Borders bill - 07/21/05
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) has introduced HR 2092, the "Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act". It's little more than an attempt to remove the border as we know it.
It would legalize illegal aliens who've lived here for more than five years. They'd need to have good moral character, so (I guess) many gang members would be excluded. An illegal alien who's over 18 would need to perform 40 hours of community service to become legal.
The Wall Street Journal's tenuous grasp on reality - 04/21/05
The WSJ has yet another open borders screed. This one's about the fight between the Sierra Club and the Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization entitled "Low Sierra".
Like Michael Myers, AgJobs is back - 02/24/05
"Bill to support farmworkers reintroduced":
This year it could be different as support has grown for the Agricultural Job, Opportunity, Benefits and Security (AgJobs) Act.
The legislation has been reintroduced in Washington, by Sens. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, and Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Reps. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, and How ard Berman, D-Calif.
"Immigration bill won't come easy in new Congress" - 12/26/04
WASHINGTON - Everyone considers immigration reform a top priority when Congress reconvenes next month.
But no one agrees what "reform" means.
"I fully understand the politics of immigration reform," President Bush assured reporters this week.
Many lawmakers, including the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, call tougher enforcement the centerpiece of reform.
"Pandering to interlopers?" - 12/03/04
From immigration lawyer Matt Hayes in the WashTimes:
At last weekend's APEC summit, President Bush made clear the administration will try to justify its planned amnesty of illegal aliens as something necessary for greater border security.
Hillary's stealth issue for '08 - 11/26/04
[Cross-posted to the Command Post and]
NewsMax offers a roundup of Hillary being to the "right" of Bush on immigration matters: "Hillary Eyeing Immigration as Top 2008 Issue". There's no outright statement from her saying if she ran she'd make it a key part of her campaign, but some of the things she's said might make people think she's got that in mind.
"Guest-worker measure awaits a new Congress" - 11/15/04
From the SacBee:
...Bush is signaling renewed attention to immigration. That's heartening advocates of reform, dismaying skeptics and raising questions of both strategy and tactics...
With a filibuster-proof 63 senators already co-sponsors, the AgJobs bill could be poised to move. Supporters, many of them organized through the Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform, hope for Senate action by spring.
"Republicans Rewarding Illegal Aliens" - 10/03/04
From Human Events:
AgJobs is legislation only a liberal could love. Yet, conservative Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) its sponsor, has now moved to take his bill straight to the floor.
This bill to legalize illegal aliens working in American agriculture helped to stall much-needed class action reform from coming before the Senate in July. Craig tried to attach AGJOBS to the legal reform bill.
Understanding Boxer - 09/25/04
In the article "Boxer says U.S. less secure, ties Jones to Bush policies", Sen. Boxer tells us:
"The direction we're going in is not the right direction, is not the good direction, either in foreign policy or domestic policy... Bill Jones likes this direction and wants to join with Bush and (Vice President Dick) Cheney and be their partner and work with them... If you agree with Bush and Cheney, then you need a Republican in that seat...
"[Rep. Chris] Cannon [R-UT] drums on immigration despite voters" - 09/14/04
From the Salt Lake Tribune:
He has been accused of promoting mass immigration, terrorism and amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Utah Republican Congressman Chris Cannon has paid a political price for his efforts to "fix" the nation's "broken" immigration system - not to mention mowing through 92 percent of his $472,000 campaign stash in a primary faceoff with Matt Throckmorton, an ardent advocate of immigration restrictions.
And though Cannon beat Throckmorton and is favored to glide past Democratic challenger Beau Babk
Press 2 if you want me to promise you everything for nothing - 09/03/04
In an attempt to show that he might be worse, John Kerry recently made more pro-illegal immigration promises in Fresno. Well, he wasn't really in Fresno, he just phoned his pandering in:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry capped a recent farm workers convention by promising to propose "comprehensive immigration reform" within his first 100 days in office if he defeats President George W.
In his first hundred days, John Kerry would destroy the United States - 06/29/04
This news release from Kerry's campaign explains how:
The Kerry Campaign today released the following fact sheet on immigration reform:
Today at the National Council of La Raza's annual conference, John Kerry will continue to talk about his plans to open the doors of opportunity and expand access to the American Dream, including reforming America's immigration laws...
He will offer a reform bill in his first 100 days that allows immigrants to earn legalization, encourages family reunifica
"[Idaho] County Commissioner Bills Mexican Government For Illegal Aliens" - 04/21/04
From this:
Thousands of migrant farm workers are here legally but many are here illegally. It was that portion of the migrant labor population that Canyon County Commissioner Robert Vasquez singled out for special attention today suggesting that the Mexican government should reimburse local taxpayers for their expenses.
Guest Worker Residency Bill Is Taking Root in the Senate - 03/25/04
The L.A. Times reports on the AgJobs bill:
The so-called AgJobs bill, which also would make it easier for growers to import foreign guest workers, has 55 co-sponsors - including Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) - in the 100-member Senate, its authors said Wednesday.
Sens. Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) said they hoped in the next few weeks to increase that number to more than 60.
Miami Herald "endorses indentured servitude" - 03/22/04
That's what the Stein Report says regarding the Miami Herald's editorial supporting the AgJobs bill ('A win-win for growers, farmworkers, America'). That bill would provide an amnesty for half a million illegal aliens. As history shows, amnesties simply lead to more illegal immigration. One amnesty leads to more illegal immigration, which requires another amnesty, which leads to more illegal immigration, repeat.
As for the claim that the editorial supports indentured servitude, judge for yourself:
...AgJobs sets up a process by which illegal immigrants already working in agriculture could...
A Bob Graham flashback - 03/01/04
This page from almost four years ago has statements about the AgJobs amnesty proposal. It includes this bit from Sen. Bob Graham:
Senator Graham said Congress should pass S. 1814 because nearly half the agriculture workers in the U.S. are here illegally, a situation that causes problems for farmers and farmworkers.