For the record, Guillaume denies being a Communist
Last week, Guillaume's Pick was a video of a no-talent who chipmunkizes his voice. This week, Guillaume has taken the opposite tack of choosing a playlist featuring someone who's actually talented with a great voice. However, this time his choice is even more offensive and, while he denies it, I strongly suspect that Guillaume is a Communist.
Because, his playlist is entitled, "Songs of Peace, Freedom, and Liberation: a Tribute to Joan Baez". Now, he can say this is a "period piece" all he wants and that the title is simply intended to transport others to the heady days of 60s. But... Joan Baez? Guillaume can point to him thrice attending FreedomWorks' Liberty Summit all he wants, and he can point to his framed picture of Ronald Reagan all he wants, and he can note that he leavened the playlist with a Mary Travers duet all he wants, but let's just say I'm still suspicious
P.S. To make things even worse, Guillaume wanted to include this clip from French TV but it can't be embedded.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 06/28/2009 - 14:14
HS 18570 2009-06-28T16:14:44-05:00
I love the 60"S what fun, what a time of really great BS, What the 60"s was really like you kids do not want to know. I love joan she was a real bitch to dead for, the war was fun I know that for a fact; the woman, well I will not tell you about your grandmothers. "But yes", joan and obama and, and ,and and are all Reds, so whats new? with cap and tax Now law of a dead land of monkeys and soon to-become a real land of monkey people of the world we may as well just start calling this country the new USSR.