Osama bin Laden is dead
Fox News says it's confirmed that Barack Obama will announce that Osama bin Laden is dead.
Multiple sources are confirming, and also state that the U.S. has his body. Despite that, expect conspiracy theories from the wacky to the possible, especially since many people have thought he died several years ago.
Osama was apparently killed by a U.S. "asset"; he was in a mansion outside Islamabad, Pakistan (update: actually apparently halfway between Islamabad and Peshawar). Many had thought that Osama - if he was still alive at the time - was hiding in the Waziristan tribal areas.
An unconfirmed aerial view of the compound is here. (note: the site owner wouldn't provide a source, so take with a big grain of salt).
Tourists outside the White House are chanting "USA! USA!"
Per Fox, authorities around the world are suggesting taking precautions to prevent attacks against U.S. interests.
Obama says he told Leon Panetta to make capturing or killing Obama top priority. Obama also says a small team of Americans engaged in a firefight inside the location and captured Osama's body.
It's not clear whether making Osama the Number One priority was a good idea, when disrupting Al Qaeda's network would seem to be more important.
Now, Obama is politicizing it in a passive-aggressive manner, encouraging Americans to remember back to the feelings of solidarity that 9/11 inspired. He's even racializing it (or supporting illegal immigration), claiming that we need to overcome racial differences. He just can't help avoid playing the victim card.
Apparently Osama was in a mansion in Abbottabad, apparently halfway between Islamabad and Peshawar. Per a guest on Fox, the location is significant because that town is significant to the Pakistani military, meaning "what did they know and when did they know it" becomes the question.
There are pictures from inside the compound here. A drawing of the compound is here. The raid's mission was to kill Osama if he put up any kind of a fight (link). There are links to maps here. Someone live-tweeted the raid (link). Graphic video from inside the compound is below.
5/3/11 UPDATE: The "Osama used woman as human shield" story seemed fishy to me (link), and it looks like I was right. Either they're intentionally trying to encourage conspiracy theories, or they're incompetent (politico.com/news/stories/0511/54162.html):
The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces.
Officials also retreated from claims that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed in the raid and that bin Laden was using her as a human shield before she was shot by U.S. forces.
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