New York Times 'Truth' ad intentionally lies

A New York Times "Truth" ad [1] is deliberately lying.

One of the final screens of the ad promotes the NYT story 'Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border' [2] by Caitlin Dickerson. That title is intentionally deceptive.

Those the story discusses aren't "immigrants", they're either potential asylum seekers, asylum seekers, or illegal aliens (see the immigration terminology page for the difference between those groups and immigrants; it's a very large difference).

You might not care that the NYT is deliberately trying to deceive you, given all the things Donald Trump has said and done. We might agree with you on many of them: as shown at the link, we've been opposing Trump since 2015

However, Trump lying doesn't excuse the NYT lying. It puts them on the same level as Trump. And, it's especially ironic in a series of ads where they present themselves as the very font of truth.

Could the NYT have made a mistake? No: this is intentional. The establishment media constantly seeks to blur the lines between legal and illegal immigration because enabling massive immigration (of any kind) is one of their core agenda items. See the posts linked from this page for many dozens of past examples.

If you think a New York Times ad promoting 'truth' should actually tell the truth, write the story author @itscaitlinhd and suggest she start by telling the truth.

[1] "The Truth Is Worth It: Perseverance", youtube · com/watch?v=18CGnEpeRfI
[2] nytimes · com/2018/04/20/us/immigrant-children-separation-ice.html

Note that Caitlin Dickerson mostly uses the technically-correct term "migrants" in her story, but the lying doesn't stop at the headline: she also uses the deceptive term "immigrant" twice ("many immigrant parents seeking to prohibit family separations at the border" and "the plan to routinely separate immigrant adults from their children").