Stephanie Condon of CBS confused about basics of knowledge
Stephanie Condon of CBS News offers 'Poll: "Birther" Myth Persists Among Tea Partiers, All Americans' (link), in which she shows that she has trouble with basic epistemological issues. She writes:
The so-called "birther movement," questioning Mr. Obama's origins, began during his presidential campaign. It has steadily persisted through Mr. Obama's presidency, in spite of overwhelming evidence he was born in the United States -- including his 1961 birth announcement, printed in two Hawaii newspapers... The myth persists among the larger American population, but to a lesser degree, according to the poll, conducted April 5 - 12. Thirty-two percent of Republicans think the president was born in another country.
The use of "myth" implies that their beliefs are false. However, the most Condon can offer is "overwhelming evidence". That implies that there's the possibility that those beliefs (or at least some of them) aren't false, and in that case they wouldn't be "myths". In order for them to be "myths", it would need to have been definitively proven that Obama was born in Hawaii, when in fact it has not been definitively proven.
Now, that doesn't mean he wasn't born there. However, we don't have conclusive proof that he was born there; it's still an open question even if it's very highly likely.
Further, one of those bits of "overwhelming evidence" is the announcements she mentions, neither of which listed in which hospital or even city he was born and which no one has been able to prove would only indicate a Hawaii birth. When you look at the actual evidence, it's not as "overwhelming" as hacks like Stephanie Condon would have you believe.