Mike Kingsbury /SEIU offers bad economics, bad logic (legalization as a "wage floor")

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Mike Kingsbury of the Service Employees International Union offers the exclamation point-rich blog post "What a week for immigration reform!" (seiu.org/2009/05/what-a-week-for-immigration-reform.php). He's so excited he forgot to think things through, saying this about the recent immigration marches:

Why we as citizens don't do this more often, I don't know. I do know that putting a floor under the most vulnerable workers in this country will help maintain a standard of living for all of us. And this year's May Day theme emphasizing America's immigrant history - immigrant roots, immigrant rights -- couldn't have been more on target.

1. The last part engages in the stock immigration tradition fallacy.

2. The first part engages in a new talking point noted recently here which will be called the immigration wage floor fallacy.

3. He continues with the immigration vulnerable fallacy.

4. His use of "citizens" is open to interpretation. Perhaps he realizes that many or most of those marching are not citizens and that most citizens aren't great supporters of illegal activity. Or, perhaps he's just confused.