Alan Keyes petitions court over Barack Obama's eligibility; guess: he has standing

Gadabout Alan Keyes - last seen running for president under the banner of the American Independent Party - has filed a court petition in California trying to block the CA Secretary of State (Democrat Debra Bowen) from certifying that state's results for Barack Obama. Details here.

The previous attempt by Philip Berg ran aground when the judge in that case ruled that he didn't have standing. As a former candidate - someone who was directly harmed by Obama being on the ballot - Keyes may turn out to have standing as long as they can get enough money to pursue this as far as necessary. We may yet see a real copy of Obama's birth certificate, not just a graphic at a friendly site. Note that, despite what the MSM wants to tell you, BHO has not proven where he was born or if he's a citizen.


I hope to God that Keyes is successful. We also need to see Obama's school and medical records (in which he may have given his nationality as Kenyan or Indonesian and his religion as Muslim.

The State of Hawaii has authority over licenses it issues and it has certified the birth certificate of President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama II as legitimate. So what do you want? Some activist judge in California to reach across a state's sovereign borders to supersede its authority? I guess you fail at conservatism.

Unavoidable scenario: If SCOTUS disqualifies Obama BEFORE 1/20/09 inauguration, McCain is POTUS per remaining electoral college electors; if SCOTUS disqualifies Obama after 1/20/09 inauguration, Hillary likely becomes POTUS per vote of Dem controlled House of Rep. Either way, is clear Obama will NOT be or remain POTUS.

The "legitimate" birth certificate on file in Hawaii may be ligitimate but it is NOT a Hawaiian one. It is likely a legitimate Kenyan birth certificate legitimately on file in Hawaii which enabled Team Obama to secure the legitimate Certificate of Live Birth.

Ted, what kind of game do you think the State of Hawaii is playing, exactly? Do you imagine they're so desperate to have a "Hawaiian" president that when faced with this question, they'd look at a Kenyan birth certificate and then announce, "Yep, we have his certificate here and it's genuine. *wink* *wink* *wink*" Is that what you're thinking? Or else you imagine they're being blackmailed by the "future president". That's a nice theory... except in this fevered scenario, they have the ace in the hole. They could disqualify him in an instant, if what you're saying is true. They hold all the leverage. Or maybe that's the key. This is all a plot by Hawaiian royalists to blackmail the president into giving them sovereignity. Why not? It makes as much sense as any other idea floating around this site! The size of the conspiracy that it would take for any of these scenarios to be true beggars belief. No, forgive the vulgarity, but actually, it BUGGERS belief. Are we supposed to believe that FORTY years ago, these radical Kenyan islamists hell-bent on destroying America (who are the same Kenyan relatives that Obama has "thrown under the bus", when that suits the deluded narrative of the right) knew already that they were going to cause Barack Hussein Obama to be elevated to the post of President, so they went through all these birth certificate shenanigans to make sure it was possible? Is that your story, Ted? And then they infiltrated the Hawaiian government, I suppose. If they're capable of that kind of advance planning... why wouldn't they just have had their puppet born on American soil _for real_? It's not hard to do. It happens all the time. Either that or pick somebody who was born here. You imagine all these powerful people and all this money and all this fraud is going on and then they don't even bother to get the form right?

Obama may be a draft registration dodger and possibly guilty of a criminal conspracy to fraudulently register himself after its to late.

KBA And not only black ass niggers but foreign black Ass's, its going to be fun when the shit hits the fan and people get picked up by obama police for getting out of line, tghe camp will be a real nice place and the overs will work day and night. Alan Keyes will be with us until he is ordered to be beaten to death, the system of evil is here. run don't walk out of the big cities the day obama takes power inside the main bitct house.

How extremely simple it would be to immediately present a legitimate birth certificate........unless one does not possess one.

If Obama'a father was a Kenyan under British rule at the time of BHO's birth then BHO was born a subject of British rule irrespective of where he was born. His citizenship would have taken the position of his father. It is the same situation as when a child is born in a foreign country to US military personnel. If a person with US parents are born in Germany they are Americans citizens automatically. Therefore BHO is a British subject and not a naturalized citizen. Does the term fraud begin to make a little more sense?

In Good Company, I must agree with Mary. I also agree there is probably no long term conspiracy by Hawaii or Kenya. My only expectation is that the president-elect would demonstrate at least minimal good faith to the American people and produce the requested document. The longer and the harder he uses the court system to obstruct it's release is only waving red flags of warning with an ever greater urgency. I can think of no good reason to hand over the power of the presidency, indeed, the keys to America's nuclear arsenal to an individual who fights to conceal his true identity. Most unwise. If he really is a citizen, he should be proud of that fact, and should have jumped at the opportunity to release the proof when the first request was made months ago, instead of stonewalling via the courts. Releasing a cheesy photoshop short form on some highly questionable website is insufficient. Is there something embarrassing contained therein? Who cares? Proof of citizenship is all that is being requested, all that matters, and trumps his sensitivities.

Yes Edward, but didn't you know the messiah was conceived immaculately and was brought into the mortal world by a virgin mother? That is why there is no birth certificate.

That is tff petty bourgeois

Last night Michael Savage had a good line....Why didn't they call in Obama to put out the flames in California? He is the messiah afetr all....too funny!

savage nation is great and Savage is right the system will do nothing but BS Us all until camps open for anyone who ask, questions and talks out against evil doers Long live savage nation sad he will someday become some guy in some NEW age death camp. Mary get out if you can from any big population area.