Barack Obama campaign bans user blog with Obama's own quotes (see disclaimer)

Someone created a user blog at and posted quotes from Barack Obama's book "Dreams of my Father". The blog was deleted in short order; details here. (Yes, her).

Now for the disclaimer: it's hard to follow the post, so it isn't clear what text is from where; and, the user may have engaged in other activities that caused his account to be pulled; and, I haven't confirmed whether the given quotes appear in the book.

Perhaps someone could do this in a better fashion by simply repurposing BHO's quotes into blog posts then, being careful to not engage in abusive activities, see if the blog could be deleted just for its contents.


The info was deleted from orders from Obama I think many of us will also be deleted by orders of Obama when he becomes the head monkey in washington. from where I stand I can see camps being build on orders from that monkey and a real campaign to make the usa into some third world hate camp in short buy guns, who cares about the Quotes of our enemy? and be clear on this evil subject Obama is your enemy but maybe he is what we need to take us down a road of evil doing so people will come back to what freedom is and is not. its going to be fun to watch and act in the coming shit that people will live in,let us all hope obama will not murder to many of us.