Janet Murguia/National Council of La Raza: throw the First Amendment away to protect illegal immigration?

The previously discussed article from Ariel Alexovich of the New York Times about the new "We Can Stop The Hate" effort from the National Council of La Raza contains the following:
[Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza] argued that hate speech should not be tolerated, even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights:
Everyone knows there is a line sometimes that can be crossed when it comes to free speech. And when free speech transforms into hate speech, we've got to draw that line. And that's what we're doing here today. And we need to make sure that network executives will hold their people accountable and not cross that line.
I'll leave it to the reader to decide whether Murguia actually wants to stifle First Amendment protected speech in order to achieve whatever her goals are, or whether she just wants to put pressure on businesses to silence those opposed to illegal immigration. Note that another group proposed a resolution to bring back the Fairness Doctrine at the National Latino Congreso, and it was passed. Last year, an NCLR rep referred to the Fairness Doctrine as a "partial solution".

UPDATE: A call for the NCLR to change their name here.

UPDATE: See National Council of La Raza gave award to racist professor ("eliminate the gringo", Jose Angel Gutierrez)


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