Ryan Lizza: wrong about immigration

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Ryan Lizza offers "Return of the Nativist/Behind the Republicans' anti-immigration frenzy". As you might guess from the author, the title, and the fact that it's in the New Yorker, it's wrong. However, thankfully, I have an intern who's read it for me, saving me the need to do so. Per him, it's a:

A classic dumbed-down Remnick-era New Yorker piece--remedial reading for U.W.S. cocooners. Lizza skips over all the wonkish aspects of the immigration debate (like whether "comprehensive" reform will actually work) as if they have nothing to do with the politics, paints opponents as unfeeling racists, ignores well-publicized evidence (e.g., from Carville and Greenberg) that Democrats might have political problems from supporting legalization, falls for the recent Pew hype and generally fits the issue into a comfortable Civil Rights template (moral moderates vs. pathetic bigots). Did I mention that it's a bad piece?



I'm a nativist, and a racist. So what? These stupid labels are meant to distract Whites from the reality that is becoming ever more apparent every day. The reality that this country is being invaded by people who hate Whites, and they will eventually squeeze Whites into extinction. The pity is that the scary labels only work on Whites. Calling the racist invaders what they are doesn't make them feel guilty enough to roll over and die, much less pack up and leave.