Truther (lamely) confronts Rudy Giuliani, why can't we?
There have been several videos featuring "Truthers" more or less lamely "confronting" presidential candidates about 9/11. While one featuring John Kerry featured an actual dialog (and more or less a brush off), most of them involve the Truthers yelling questions at the candidate which are then ignored. And, most people are generally going to automatically throw most of their questions into the tinfoil hat category.
It would be great if people other than Truthers could be encouraged to go to appearances and ask real questions about immigration and do it in a way designed to discredit the candidates.
For an example of how not to do things, see Rudy Giuliani's appearance at "Steak Stuffers" in Tulsa (written up here):
One would think that asking Rudy about whatever statements he made about the safety of the air on the WTC pile would be a slam dunk, since 60 Minutes featured a segment about that last week. However, Joe Picorale from Tulsa Truth didn't exactly helping himself by:
1. Not trying to get a question in during a question period. Obviously, this is difficult since the candidates are a bit aloof, but surely they could choose occasions when the candidates are willing to answer questions rather than simply shouting their questions at the candidates' back or as he gets into an SUV.
2. Not highlighting the reporters spoken to (including one from the AP). If someone has actual facts, and that reporter doesn't mention them, then one can ask the reporter why and discuss their failure to discuss those facts.
3. Not having a handout listing Giuliani's statements. I have no idea what he said about the safety of the air around the pile, but that would seem to be a necessary first step.
4. Verging a bit into conspiracy theories, such as Rudy's supposed foreknowledge of one of the buildings' collapse. As with #3, that quote and a cite could be included in the handout.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Mon, 09/17/2007 - 09:07
HS 12375 2007-09-17T11:07:13-05:00
Question for Rudy, or any candidate: "What will you do to stop the invasion, and how will you get the invaders already here to leave?" I'd love to hear any one of them mouth the words "invasion" and "invader" much less quibble with them. I'd love to hear those frank words uttered somewhere, anywhere in the mainstream media. Instead of arguing about what is or isn't amnesty we would do a great deal more to wake people up by debating whether we are experiencing an invasion or not. This is why it's important that we get Walter Moore [1] a soapbox.