to pester Barack Obama, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, others on April 10
Posted Mon, Apr 2, 2007 at 12:11 pm · short link
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Do you mind if we invite Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton to talk with MoveOn members about Iraq in your living room? (OK, they'll be in about 1,000 other living rooms at the same time, but it's still unlike any other political gathering that's ever happened before).I'd imagine that the questions will be screened both for their "progressivism" and (since knows their members) coherence. I appreciate their efforts to ask questions, but perhaps they might consider broadening their topics to include immigration matters, especially since that's the area where everyone listed above is weakest.
It's the first ever MoveOn Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Those candidates and others [1] will connect to living room around the country through an interactive webcast (or by speakerphone). MoveOn members will ask them tough questions about where they stand on the war in Iraq. As a group, you'll discuss what you hear and later, you'll vote for the candidate you think is best on this critical issue.
...We're partnering with Air America Radio so the event will be on the radio... [pirate shortwave band broadcasters in Alpine, Texas are "on the radio" too, and about the same number of people will hear them --LW]
...[1] MoveOn members voted last week to invite the following candidates to participate in the Iraq Virtual Town Hall Meetings. We'll keep you posted on who accepts our invitation:
Sen. Joe Biden
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Chris Dodd
Sen. John Edwards
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Gov. Mike Huckabee
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Barack Obama
Gov. Bill Richardson
Gov. Mitt Romney
Gov. Tommy Thompson