Teddy Kennedy: Massive Amnesty or Bust! (Fabian Nunez)
Posted Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 10:54 am
From "Kennedy pledges his version of border bill will reach Senate" we read:
On the bright side, the pro-"reform" coalition might be splitting into two parts, those who want amnesty for all or most, and those who only want a more limited, pro-business program:
Sen. Ted Kennedy vowed Monday that immigration reform - including citizenship for illegal workers - will hit the Senate floor by June, despite attempts by the White House and other opponents to massage the bill.That's not going to sit too well with McCain's new pro-Pence scheme tack.
With California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez by his side, the Massachusetts Democrat said he and presidential contender Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., are negotiating the measure and that he hopes to introduce legislation "in the very near future."
"California bears a disproportionate amount of the burden," to its health care and education systems because of illegal immigration, Kennedy said. The problem, he contended, is "because we have not had an effective national program."Please. Waving a magic wand and declaring all illegal aliens to be legal workers isn't going to fix anything. And, it will encourage even more illegal immigration, making the situation far worse.
On the bright side, the pro-"reform" coalition might be splitting into two parts, those who want amnesty for all or most, and those who only want a more limited, pro-business program:
Kennedy called talks between interested parties "useful" but warned the White House against pushing a watered-down measure that, for example, includes a program to allow foreign temporary workers but blocks legalization or citizenship for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now in the country.Nunez also had a meeting on this issue with Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose.