"Families First in Immigration"
The new group "Families First in Immigration" appears to be a pro-amnesty coalition of conservative evangelicals. They've already sent a letter to Bush and Pelosi supporting their views, but that apparently won't be released until Monday. Apparently they're seeking a "third way" on immigration "reform", but one wonders exactly how different their scheme could be from the ones currently proposed. Specifically, based on their name it appears they'll stress family reunification, something which has helped lead to current massive legal and illegal immigration, and a surprise feature of the Senate's bill.
Those involved include:
* Manny Miranda ("memogate"; former counsel to Bill Frist)
* Paul Weyrich (Coalitions for America)
* Dr. Donald Wildmon (American Family Association)
* Gary Bauer (American Values)
* David Keene (American Conservative Union)
Expect them to be the only-slightly-less-loony version of Cardinal Roger Mahony and other Catholic Bishops.
UPDATE: The WashTimes has more. They want amnesty for all illegal aliens who have a U.S. citizen relative, which would amnestize all parents of anchor babies and, practically speaking, every other illegal alien in the U.S. who would fake a relation if they didn't have such relatives. On the other hand, they want to end birthright citizenship.
Others in the coalition include: Deal Hudson of the Morley Institute for Church & Culture... direct-mail guru Richard A. Viguerie..., the Rev. Louis Sheldon of Traditional Values Coalition and Rabbi Aryeh Spero of Caucus for America. They hope to get Sen. Sam Brownback involved.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Mon, 01/08/2007 - 08:38
UPDATE: The WashTimes has more. They want amnesty for all illegal aliens who have a U.S. citizen relative, which would amnestize all parents of anchor babies and, practically speaking, every other illegal alien in the U.S. who would fake a relation if they didn't have such relatives. On the other hand, they want to end birthright citizenship.
If this is passed the end of birthright citizenship will never be enforced.It will a repetition of the promised enforcement that was to come with 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty but never materialized. The record is all too clear re the character of the liars and prostitutes in DC.
Nothing resembling amnesty(or a banana) until the fence is completely built and all the regs and enforcement mechanisms on denial of birthright citizenship are fully operational and have made their way past all the ACLU judges.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 01/07/2007 - 10:40
The guest worker plan is a total joke on you, in 10 years you will not be able to work inside the former USA. It's a rubber stamp for the third world drug dealers to someday make you just like the rats.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Sun, 01/07/2007 - 02:53
Putting all other questions to the side for the moment, you have to begin with the realization that the USCIS has admitted that is hopelessly unequipped to handle any massive "guest" worker/amnesty program. If such a program were implemented it would be a laughable "rubber stamp" process that would be the equivalent of issuing green cards via vending machines.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 01/05/2007 - 15:53
well yes! the bush family helped to make it boys!
the program is well known inside the system of total evil and total corruption, but did you hear about the bush family handing over your tax dollars to 417? its a well known coaltion of hate that has alot to do with Bin Laden, the public has not been told about this evil group who wants you dead, listen to savage nation, its out in the open but the public will not listen soon when the real s hits the fan you have it coming.