Charlie Rangel, John Conyers, RCP, Ramsey Clark, Lynne Stewart...

Under the new regime, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) might become the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) might become the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

If you go to this page, you can see that John Conyers signed on to the "Call" from the World Can't Wait. That organization freely admits that it was "initiated" in part by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Other usual suspects signing on include among many others: Harry Belafonte, Ward Churchill, Jane Fonda, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Mumia Abu-Jamal, Brig. Gen. (Ret) Janis Karpinski, Rabbi Michael Lerner, US Rep. Cynthia McKinney, US Rep. Major Owens, Sean Penn, Michael Ratner, US Rep. Bobby Rush, Rev. Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan, Martin Sheen, Gloria Steinem, Lynne Stewart, Gore Vidal, US Rep. Maxine Waters, Cornel West, and Howard Zinn.

And, if you go here, you can see Charlie Rangel speaking at a March 19, 2005 rally by the coalition. That same page has pictures of Lynne Stewart and Ramsey Clark. The latter is affiliated with that Coalition, as are, among many others: Charles Barron (NYC councilmember), Mumia Abu Jamal, and the NY Committee to Free the Five. For those who haven't been following the far-far-left, the "Five" they want to free are Cuban spies.

UPDATE: From "John Conyers And The Muslim Caucus":

The likely new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says he's just fighting bigotry in leading a Democrat jihad to deny law enforcement key terror-fighting tools. But he is in the pocket of Islamists...