Local immigration news: Cook County, Mesa, Houston, Beaufort County, Carpentersville

In Cook County Illinois (home of Chicago), Commissioner Roberto Maldonado's attempt to declare the county an illegal alien sanctuary has passed a subcommittee 3-2 and now goes to the full Board. Its chance of passage is unknown. Those on the American side were Tony Peraica (R) and Jerry Butler (D). Those joining Maldonado on the other side were Joseph Mario Moreno (D) and Mike Quigley (D). One of the two alleged incidents that are used as partial justification was not even reported to the police.

In Arizona, Mesa Vice Mayor Claudia Walters has drafted a "scathing" letter "scolding" Arizona's congresspeople for not passing "comprehensive" immigration "reform".

It includes this bit that - needless to say - Mike Cronin of the AZ Republic didn't call her on:

Walters conveyed the story of one Mesa businessman who sent paperwork about several immigrants he hired to the U.S. Social Security Administration. Six years later, Social Security officials called him and told him those immigrants' paperwork was not valid... "Six years!" Walters said. "And that gentleman was trying to be a good employer."

Of course, if Cronin were doing his job - or at least being what some consider a good journalist which is probably not the same thing as what the AZ Republic wants him to do - he would have pointed out that nowadays such information can be obtained very quickly over that internet thing.

Then, he goes on to present the AZ Dems' smear against Russell Pearce; the fact that the latter isn't exactly helping his case doesn't excuse the fact that both Cronin and Walters pretend to be unable to understand the difference between refering to "Operation Wetback" as the name of a past program, and using that word in other contexts. Needless to say, instead of calling Walters on her attempt to rewrite history, he supports her efforts to mislead.


Councilman Kyle Jones said the draft letter "for the most part" reflects a National League of Cities resolution on immigration reform that he helped write. Jones served on the league's ad hoc committee on immigration reform. The league passed its resolution July 21.

On the good news front: "Houston Police Given OK to Ask Suspects' Immigration Status"

And, in Beaufort County, South Carolina, their City Council is considering a Hazelton-style ordinance:

This same ordinance has faced legal challenges in other communities that have tried similar ordinances.

Well, that's one way to defund the ACLU.

UPDATE: In the still-hopeful column comes "Thousands see suburb delay immigration discussion" about Carpentersville (IL) considering a Hazleton-style ordinance. The town council delayed discussion of the matter because a crowd of 3000 - mostly protesters and probably many bused-in - showed up and they need to make sure that everyone can attend the meeting because of a state law.