Lonewacko honored, humbled by Reason Magazine link

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As can be seen in the image below, a page at this site was recently linked to by Reason Magazine. That's a link to this page at the word "gripe" (hopefully he meant definition #3, "to be ardent"). In any case, I am deeply honored and humbled to have caught the attention of Brian Doherty for his article "Chickening Out On Immigration", which you can read here: reason.com/links/links091906.shtml

While I am still stunned, shocked, honored, and humbled by being so linked, I feel it is nevertheless my duty to direct the reader to my coverage of the issues mentioned in that piece, suggesting thereby that the reader compare, contrast, and make up his or her mind on which source they shall henceforth trust:

Russ Bynum/AP promotes illegal immigration (Stillmore, Georgia)

Molly Hennessy-Fiske/LAT promotes corruption in Arkansas; Huckabee


A typical libertarian diatribe.