"Fasting [blogger] enters 'death zone'"

According to this:

He says he's entered the "death zone" โ€” that period when he expects to succumb to the effects of his multi-week hunger protest.

Thirty-six-year-old Gene Chapman hasn't eaten since tax day, April 15. The Texas man, who early on spent hours each day sitting across the street from the Austin IRS office, vows to die of starvation unless he receives what he considers an adequate answer to one question: "Where is my tax liability in the law?"

What makes this especially interesting is that he's a blogger. His blog has the full story, including a letter he received from the IRS.


What a complete and total idiot. If he's worth anything as a self-proclaimed blogger, he should be researching US Tax Court cases on this subject, not ranting through his now empty ass.

The US Tax Court has consistently pooped on his arguments for many many years. Only people wearing blinders refuse see it. Half the names mentioned on his blog are convicted tax evaders serving terms in federal prisons or on their way there.

He needs to eat some cheeseburgers and start a movement to change the laws, not kill himself. What a waste. No one at the IRS cares whether this moron dies. They'll just take some more of his money (in taxes) when he's dead.