Biased San Jose State University poll delivers undesired result
A Survey and Policy Research Institute at San Jose State University immigration poll was discussed here in April. The problems with the question they asked was discussed at the link, and the latest version of the poll asks the same questionable question:
In your opinion, should undocumented or illegal immigrants living or working here be allowed to become legal residents of California?
However, the results of the latest version are bit more anti-amnesty, which - based on the statements they made after releasing the last version - is probably not the direction that those perpetrating the poll want:
In March, 59% answered yes, and 32% said no.
This time, the yes vote is 53%, and no has risen to 34%.
If they used the correct terminology - and maybe included a neutral summary of the issue - no doubt the yes vote would be much lower.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 07/24/2006 - 02:31
I do not know the details of the poll and right now am too lazy to look for them. But it is worth noting that it seems to report the opinions of Californians on this issue, California being home to more of the nations post 1965 immigrants than any other state -- e.g. the 2000 Census found that about 1/3 of the adults in the San Francisco Bay Area were born in another country.
And again: All of these polls are tainted by politically correct racial sensitivity; or better, fear of being accused of lacking same.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 07/22/2006 - 06:51
no i think what you see is a geopolitical inconsistency and the overwhelming ideals of total corruption of the system is now in place for the big kill.